Anger, Possessiveness, Junk Food Eating and Behavioral Problems of Children Treated Successfully – Mother’s Feedback

One big change in Beti is that now she does not get angry usually…
She was very possessive and don’t let me n her father give attention to her brother but now she is ok….
She was used to fight with her brother on pity things but now she does not ….
In fact now both are very good friends and play together …
And yeah one more big thing is that she always wanted to win and can’t face failure or never liked to be number 2.
But now she is ok with winning and losing.
And today when I got little angry she smiled and said I dont care…. and I was so surprised as she didn’t feel bad and was not sad… its also a good thing.
About skin i would say she is 50% better like very less rashes on legs … no more on arms.
And regarding eating habit … now she says welcome to everything. She likes homemade more now.



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Hussain Kaisrani (aka Ahmad Hussain) is a distinguished Psychotherapist & Chief Consultant at Homeopathic Consultancy, Lahore. 

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