Psychology – Homeopathy and Homeopathic Remedies (Shazia Ayub)
👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨 HALLUCINATION 📍 Sensation 📍Sensory Perception 📍A person experiences 🎯 In the absence of relevant external stimulus 🎯Seeing ,feeling ,tasting hearing something that doesn’t really exits 📝Most Common Type of Hallucination in Schizophrenia 📝Visual Hallucination s are also relatively 📍Hallucination s also tend to be worse when person is alone 📍The patient Complains chemical smell in and around his room No one else smell it 📝Causes of Hallucination 🎯Parkinson Disease 🎯Psychosis 🎯Epilepsy 🎯Medications 🎯AIDS 🎯Brain Cancer 🎯Liver kidney failure 👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨👁🗨 SHIZOPHRENIA 📍Serious Disorder 📍Which effects How a person feels and act 📍Some one with shizopherina may have a difficulty distinguishing …
تھائی رائیڈ غدود اور جسم پر اس کے اثرات
ہمارے جسم کےمتعدد افعال ایک خود کار نظام کے ماتحت ہیں۔ مثلاً دِل کا دھڑکنا، سانس کا چلنا، جسم کا درجۂ حرارت ایک خاص ڈگری تک برقرار رہنا وغیرہ۔ ان افعال کی ایک مربوط نظام کے تحت انجام دہی اس بات کا اعلان ہوتا ہے کہ ہم ایک صحت مند زندگی گزار رہے ہیں۔ ایک صحت مند فرد کا دِل ایک منٹ میں70سے 80مرتبہ دھڑکتا ہے۔ اسی طرح چاہے کوئی گرم صحرائی علاقے کا مکین ہو یا پھر برفانی پہاڑوں کا رہایشی، اُس کے جسم کا نارمل درجۂ حرارت 37ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ تک رہتا ہے۔ ہم ایک منٹ میں 14سے …
Kidney Stones – Causes, Symptoms, Homeopathy medicine and Treatment
Causes of Kidney stones, symptoms and treatment of kidney stones with effective homeopathic remedies and their indicated symptoms Kidney stones or renal calculi or nephrolithiasis refers to condition of stone formation in kidneys. Stones can be formed in any region of kidney and urinary system. Nephrolethiasis refers to renal stone disease; urolithiasis refers to the presence of stones in the urinary system. The majority of stones consist of calcium, usually as calcium oxalate, but they can contain uric acid, struvite (magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate), spontaneous passage of a stone is related to the stone size and location. The kidneys are …
Best Homeopathic Medicines for Panic Attacks
What are Panic Attacks? Panic attacks are severe episodes of sudden anxiety, apprehension or fear. They occur without any real or apparent danger and mostly bring on some form of physical reaction such as dizziness, heart palpitations, dyspnea, nausea and faintness. Panic attacks can be truly frightening and leave the person shaken and deeply upset. Once the mind goes into panic mode, the person losses control over his reactions. Certain situations such as a trauma, past experience or phobia can act as triggers. Advantage of Homeopathic Treatment Homeopathy is a proven alternative treatment option for anxiety related disorders such as …
Nephrotic syndrome – Homeopathy Treatment and Homeopathic Remedies
Nephrotic syndrome is a nonspecific disorder in which the kidneys are damaged, to leak large amounts of protein (at least 3.5 grams per day per 1.73m2 body surface area) from the blood into the urine. Presentation It is characterised by proteinuria (>3.5g/day), hypoalbuminemia, hyperlipidemia and edema. A few other characteristics are: The most common sign is excess fluid in the body. This may take several forms: Puffiness around the eyes, characteristically in the morning. Edema over the legs which is pitting (i.e. leaves a little pit when the fluid is pressed out, which resolves over a few seconds). Fluid in …
Questionnaire or Case Taking Questions for Online Homeopathic Treatment
You have come to Homeopathy and I am sure you shall get perfect remedy with Homeopathy as it treats the whole body and not a particular disease. Please answer the questions seriously. ======================================================== 1. Personal Details Name: Country: Age & Date of birth: Gender: Marital Status & No. of Children (if any): Height, Weight & Physical Description: Are you working and if so what do you do?: 2. Reason for consultancy: I would like to begin with you telling me in your own words what has brought you here today. Please be as general or specific as you wish. Expand …
ایلیم سیپا – اردو ہومیوپیتھی Allium Cepa
ایلیم سیپا Allium Cepa دنیاۓ ہومیوپیتھی میں ڈاکٹر ولیم بورک کی کثیر المطالعہ تصنیف ” بورک میٹریا میڈیکا ” کلیدی حیثیت رکھتی ہے جس کے انگریزی میں کئی ایڈیشن شائع ہو چکے ہیں اور یہ دوا میٹریا میڈ یکا میں (22) نمبر پر ہے۔ ایلیم سیپا شدید نزلہ زکام میں کام آتی ہے جبکہ ناک سے بہت جلندار پانی کی طرح مواد نکلتا ہو اور آنکھوں سے سادہ آنسو خارج ہوتے ہوں۔ ناک کے مسوں میں یہ دوا مفید ہوتی ہے۔ جو پانی کی طرح کا مواد ناک سے بہتا ہو وہ اوپر والے ہونٹ پر جلن کا باعث بنتا ہو …