Chronic Migraine Severe Headache is Cured by Homeopathy – A feedback by a Medical Doctor

Migraine and Severe Headache Stopped my Life


I was suffering from migraine, severe headache that just stopped my life, it was badly affecting my physical and emotional health, consulted a lot of doctors but all in vain, no noticeable difference. I used to ask every second person of my life to recommend me to any dr so that I could get rid of this severe torture.. Then, through one of my senior colleagues I finally reached Dr Hussain Kaisrani and presented my chief complaint to him. In just 15 days I saw a noticeable difference by getting treatment from him whereas I was on antidepressants once.

Medicine Course for Migraine

I did 6 months course of Inderal, 3 months course of Inderal, was taking Caflam continuously whenever the pain is beyond limits as prescribed by other top specialist allopathic best doctors but nothing worked.

My Migraine Cured by Homoepathic Doctor Husain Kaisrani

After so long, it was the first time I recovered so fast not only physically but also emotionally. He is a great homeopathic doctor, Psychologist and Psychotherapist. I’m 101% satisfied with his homeopathy treatment..

As far as emotional health is required, whatever the situation is, he will definitely find the way to liven up your life and give you hope. Also be a source of light when darkness prevails around you. He is the ray of hope when all doors are closed.

We all need a beacon of light to guide our way back to sanity. I found mine in him. He is very easy to talk to, and provides a comfortable environment. One can confide anything to him… He serves humanity in the best of interests. If you are facing any kind of emotional turmoil or stress, contact him as soon as possible.

He was the best for me.




Curing with Science and a Touch of Art.

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Dr. Sitwat
Dr. Sitwat
11 months ago

Can you explain which medicines are prescribed.

Nousheen Khan
Nousheen Khan
11 months ago

I am also a patient of Dr. Hussain Qaisrani. He is a blessing.

Naila Khan
Naila Khan
11 months ago

You are an amazingly good homeopathy doctor sir.
I am an online ex-patient of Dr. Hussain Qaisrani. My chronic migraine was also cured by his treatment.

11 months ago

Good work.

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