لیکوریا Leucorrhoea Cured by Homeopathic Medicines, Treatment, Hussain Kaisrani – Ms Zara Mghl’s Review

It was late 2008, when I noticed a weird burning sensation along with fungus like discharge and it was so intense that I had to consult a gynaecologist as soon as possible, not even a single Dr told me that it’s an infection commonly known as leucorrhoea in females, all of them just gave medicines in different forms, all such medicines just gave me temporary relief for months and it just came back in different form always, I was so hopeless and exhausted as it was converting into stinky discharge in bulk form, after visiting number of doctors and using almost all possible medicines, I decided to take incharge of my own health by searching on net, and I came to know that leucorrhoea have two forms mostly, the fungus or candida which mostly give irritation, burning and itching thick discharge and the second form in which bacteria is involved and it’s accompanied by smelly discharge, and mostly patients of leucorrhoea switch in between these two forms time to time, making a patient mentally disturbed and hopeless as if it’s never going to end at all …

Here I also came to know that there is no permanent cure for leucorrhoea in allopathy, but naturopathic treatment is the only solution for it and I must say it cured my leucorrhoea and also other health issues but as I stop taking all essential precautions in diet, it just came back, though with mild severity …

I was in search of permanent solution for it when by chance, I read Dr Hussain qaisrani’s article on leucorrhoea in Urdu (لیکوریا – ہومیوپیتھک دوائیں اور علاج) as I was in intense need for permanent cure for years. I decided to give it a try.

It was my first meeting with homeopathic Doctor Hussain in February and I found him a very professional, intensely interested in patient’s history of disease in all aspects along with professional manners and pleasant personality, not just interested in grabbing fee from the patient!

From very first day of my dose I noticed a clear difference in my abnormal discharge and I was so happy and hopeful.


In coming days it just showed ups and downs in curing, and finally after three months I am almost free of this curse named leucorrhoea; all praise to Allah and then Dr Hussain Qaisrani.

I gave all essential details about this ailment, so that anyone suffering from it may understand their situation better as most of females don’t even know they are suffering from leukorrhoea and just take it as a normal disease like common flu …

May Allah protect us all from such diseases, ameen …

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