PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


PHOSPHORICUM ACIDUM (Ph-ac.) فاسفورک ایسڈ


The characteristic of this remedy is the great weakness which begins on the emotional level and gradually progresses to the mental and physical levels. The most usual cause is grief which progresses to such depth that freezes the individual. The patient becomes apathetic and indifferent that nothing can excite them. They stare at the wall with an empty look. They don’t care if they live or die.

The falling of hair and the desire for juicy things are confirmatory symptoms for a Ph-ac. case.





Weakness on the emotional plane progressing to the physical and mental planes.

AILMENTS FROM GRIEF. Ailments from grief, disappointment. Prostrated and stupefied with grief. Silent grief.


Memory weakness, dullness. Has to reflect long before answering. Forgetful of words while speaking.



WEAKNESS AND LASSITUDE <after emissions, after eating, exertion, morning.

Faintness from loss of fluids.

AILMENTS FROM GRIEF: falling of hair, headache, diarrhoea, palpitations etc.

Copious stool. Yellow stool.

Diarrhoea without weakness, after food, after taking a cold in the summer, from weather changes, after becoming cold, after anticipation, after grief.

Seminal emissions at night (nocturnal) < with stool, during erection, after coition or onanism. Too quick ejaculation.

Urine milky, curdled-like, cloudy, albuminous.

Diabetes, sugar in urine.

Pale, sickly color of face.

Ailments in young when growing too fast with a lot of acute diseases, growing pains.



AGG.: after perspiration, becoming cold, eating, emissions, evening.

AMEL.: after sleep, motion.

DES.: JUICY, REFRESHING THINGS. Fruits, tonics, cold drinks.

AVERS.: bread.


PHOSPHORIC ACID (Ph-ac.) – Acute (Hussain Kaisrani)

Weakness, exhaustion and apathy. Ailments from grief. Ailments from loss of fluids.


APPEARANCE: Pale, sickly color of face.

FEVER: fever with weakness aggravated in the evening. Stupor during fever. Thirstlessness and sleeplessness during fever.

DIARRHOEA: diarrhoea without weakness, after food, after catching a cold in the summer, from weather changes, after getting cold, after anticipation, after grief.

PROSTATE: prostatitis with emission of prostatic fluid during stool, interrupted urination, feeble stream, frequent urging

THIRST/CRAVINGS: juicy, refreshing foods. Juicy fruits, tonics, cold drinks.

MENTAL PICTURE:  the patient is indifferent as a result of grief. Most of the times the ailments are a result of grief. Indifference, stupor during fever.


Aggravation: after perspiration, becoming cold, eating, emissions, evening.

Amelioration: after sleep, motion, walking. ADDITION

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