CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم – Keynotes Derived from Homeopathic Materia Medica VIVA


CALADIUM SEGUINUM (Calad.) – کلاڈیم سیگیونم





Amorous, lascivious with impotency. Symptoms from sexual excesses (ex. memory weakness).

DEPRESSION due to unsatisfied sexual desire. Sadness from masturbation. Lack of enthusiasm. Indifferent to everything. Eventually becomes indifferent to sex.

Weakness of memory. Very forgetful, absent-minded. Mental confusion, inability to perform intellectual work.

Anxiety about health, hypochondriacal anxiety. Very careful about health- refuses to take medicine, fear of infection, of catching contagious disease.

Fear of cutting himself while shaving. 

Nervous excitement.



Special action on the genitalia of both sexes.

IMPOTENCE WITH SEXUAL DESIRE. Increased sexual desire without erection.

Flaccid penis with sexual desire and excitement (Lyc., Sel.). Penis is excited but relaxed.

Failing to ejaculate during coition.

They cannot perform the sexual act in a natural way and they seek other ways of satisfying the excessive desire.

Pruritus Vulvæ (voluptuous itching) in females, inducing masturbation and sleeplessness.

Coldness of single parts of the body (lower limbs, single parts).

Organism is sensitive to smoking and is aggravated by it.

A burning sensation, stays in the lungs for years after heavy smoking.

Sensitivity of the skin, crawling itching. Sensation of cobweb or formication in face. Tension of skin, as if white of egg were dried in the face. Violent itching on certain parts of the skin.

Insomnia. Sensitive to slightest noise, startles from sleep (Asar., Nux-v., Tarent.). Afraid to go to sleep. Sleep is disturbed. Sleeps for 3-4h and then wakes up and cannot sleep for 2-3 hours.



AGG.: warmth, yet desires warm drinks.

AMEL.: perspiration.

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Picture of kaisrani


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