Lycopodium Children and Adults – Personality Traits and Constitution – Hussain Kaisrani
In my lecture today, following the series of Autism in Children and Homeopathy, I will discuss the broad acting remedy Lycopodium and children who own that constitution. Kindly bear in mind, that all the remedies I have chosen to talk about in my lectures, are ones that have a deep action on the human economy and in my experience, these have proven extremely effective constitutionally for physical, mental, emotional and mental problems of normal children and adults as well as children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD / ADD), Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Plus, I have also kept in …
صحت مند بچوں کی پیدائش کیسے ممکن ہے؟ جارج وتھالکس ۔ ترجمہ و تخلیص: حسین قیصرانی ۔ مہر النسا
[نوٹ: اِس آرٹیکل کی بنیاد مشہور یورپی مفکر، انجینئر اور انٹرنیشنل اکیڈیمی آف کلاسیکل ہومیوپیتھی کے فاونڈر پروفیسر ڈاکٹر جارج وتھالکس کے تحقیقی پیپر ?How can healthier children be born پر ہے]۔ یہاں پیش کیا جانے والا مفروضہ سالہا سال علاج معالجے کے دوران مختلف قومیتوں کے والدین سے تبادلہ خیال کے بعد پیش کیا گیا ہے۔ اس کا مقصد مندرجہ ذیل دو بنیادی نکات پر بحث کرنا ہے۔ 1۔ صحت مند بچوں کی پیدائش میں کون سے عوامل کارفرما ہوتے ہیں؟ 2۔ صحت مند بچے پیدا کرنے کے لئے والدین کا اپنی کن ذمہ داریوں سے آشنا ہونا …
ایکونائٹ: جارج وتھالکس کی کتاب “حسد اور ہومیوپیتھی” (ترجمہ، ڈاکٹر مسعود یحییٰ، ڈاکٹر بنارس خان اعوان) سے اقتباس
اب میں آپ کو ان ادویات کی بابت معلومات فراہم کروں گا جن میں اضطراب، پریشانی اور دہشت زدگی موجود ہے۔ ایکونائٹ: ذہنی جذباتی علامات: * اچانک شدید تکالیف جو دھمکی آمیز صدمہ کی وجہ سے پیدا ہوں اور ان کے ہمراہ موت کا اذیت ناک خوف پایا جائے۔ * دہشت زدگی کی حالتیں۔ * کھلی جگہ کا خوف۔ * اندھیرے کا خوف۔ * لفٹ کا خوف۔ بند جگہ کا خوف۔ بلند جگہ چڑھنے کا خوف۔ * سرنگوں کا خوف۔ * دل کی تکلیف کا خوف کہ دل دھڑکنا بند کردے گا۔ * ہوائی جہاز میں سفر کا خوف۔ * …
ARGENTUM NITRICUM (Arg-n.) – ارجنٹم نائٹریکم – ارجنٹم نائیٹریکم – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Argentum nitricum Nitras argenti English: Nitrate of silver French: Argent nitrate, Nitrate d’argent German: Salpetersaures Silber The essential features If we wanted to describe an Argentum nitricum case with few words, we could say that he is an over-emotional, impulsive individual with weakening mental faculties,which allow a host of impulses and fears to arise. He is an individual whose power of coordination and balance has been upset on all levels. In my writings I have repeatedly emphasized the hierarchical structure of human health. In the healthy individual the mental sphere, being the most central to normal functioning, exerts its …
The Role of Carcinosinum in Treating Autism and ADHD: A Safe and Effective Homeopathic Remedy – Hussain Kaisrani
The Role of Carcinosinum in Treating Autism and ADHD: A Safe and Effective Homeopathic Remedy Carcinosinum in Homeopathy: Treating Autism and ADHD Safely Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that focuses on treating the individual as a whole rather than simply addressing symptoms. Remedies are prescribed based on the principle of “like cures like,” meaning that a substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person can, in diluted form, help treat those same symptoms in a sick person. Carcinosinum, a homeopathic remedy made from cancerous tissue, is often used in treating conditions such as Autism and ADHD. While the …
Aloe socotrina – Homeopathic Remedy – Materia Medica Viva George Vithoulkas
Aloe vera, Barbadensis vel Socotrina, Aloe Soccotrina N.O. Liliaceae Family: Jussieu [vegetable substance] – Hexandria monogynia, L. Mode of preparation: A tincture is made from the fiery red gum of the plant by trituration. The essential features This is a remedy that primarily affects the digestive system and more especially the end of the large intestines. Its tendency is to produce an engouement of the veins causing fullness throughout the body, but more especially in the liver region, an abdominal, rectal and intestinal fullness. The main pathology in which you will find Aloe to be indicated is spastic or …
Homeopathic Remedy Lachesis mutus (lach.) لیکسیس – The Essence of Materia Medica by George Vithoulkas
Lachesis mutus (lach.) Main idea is overstimulation, which is constantly seeking an outlet for relief, like a pot that is boiling all the time; needs an outlet or will break down. Snake poison; initially the poison goes through the bloodstream, stimulates first, and then on the more specific areas. Primary target is circulation (from study of Materia Medicas you must get the preference of remedies for certain systems). People with idiopathic high blood pressure. Flushes of heat in different ages. Haemorrhages, particularly where the colour is quite dark. Headaches, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, and all kinds of heart ailments. Appearances of …
Corona Virus – what homeopathy can do? Burning questions of the day, answered by Prof. George Vithoulkas
Q. What is your opinion of Corona Virus, what homeopathy can do? A. Unless we have selected the real symptoms of the different stages of this influenza from the clinicians who are dealing at this moment with the infected cases,we cannot do anything substantial. We should know the symptomatology of the beginning stages -before the pneumonia- and propose remedies for this stage in order to reduce the victims of going to the second stage. Also we should know the symptomatology of the later stage of pneumonia or diarrhea to propose different remedies for this advanced stage. But the symptomatology has …
ہومیوپیتھک دوا اگاریکس ۔ حسین قیصرانی
اگاریکس موجودہ زمانے میں زیادہ استعمال ہوتی ہے کیونکہ یہ دوا موجودہ زمانے کے نفسیاتی مسائل کا زیادہ احاطہ کرتی ہے۔ اگاریکس کا مریض نفسیاتی طور پر کمزور قوت ارادی کا مالک ہوتا ہے۔ اس دوا کے مریض بچپن ہی سے دوسروں کے رعب تلے آ جاتے ہیں اور دوسروں کے اشاروں پر چلنے پر مجبور ہوتے ہیں۔ دوسروں پر انحصار کرنے کی اس عادت کی بناء پر یہ لوگ نہ تو کسی نئے کام میں ہاتھ ڈالنے کی جرات کرتے ہیں اورنہ ہی کسی ذمہ داری کو قبول کرنے کی جرات رکھتے ہیں۔ اپنی اسی خامی کی بناء …
Homeopathic Remedy Kalium Carbonicum (kali-c.) کالی کارب – The Essence of Materia Medica (George Vithoulkas)
Kalium Carbonicum (kali-c.) As mentioned by Kent, Kali carb. is a remedy which is difficult to perceive in its essence both in the patient and in the Materia Medicas. The primary image of the patient is not readily available from provings, so it is known mostly by experienced homoeopaths possessing the skill of careful, systematic observation. It is very important to understand, however, because Kali carb. is a profoundly deep and long lasting remedy when prescribed early enough to prevent progression to an incurable stage of pathology. The Kali carb. patient has a distinctive personality; committed dogmatically to strong sense …