بیوی پر شک، منفی سوچیں، وسوسے اور بدگمانی کا وہم؛ ایک کامیاب کیس – ہومیوپیتھک دوا علاج (حسین قیصرانی)
11 اکتوبر کو ایک مریض نے کویت سے فون کیا کہ وہ بہت بڑی مصیبت میں مبتلا ہیں۔ کہنے لگے کہ میرا مسئلہ ایسا ہے کہ اس کا ذکر بھی کسی سے نہیں کیا جا سکتا مگر اگر اب اِس تکلیف سے چھٹکارا نہ ملا تو میں پاگل ہو جاؤں گا۔ انہوں نے ویٹس اپ کے ذریعہ مطلع کیا کہ میرا مسئلہ یہ ہے: کہتے ہیں مرد عام طورپر شکی ہوتے ہیں۔ شک کا ایک بڑا سبب عادت و مزاج ہوتا ہے۔ چنانچہ کچھ مرد اپنی بیویوں پر بلاجواز شک کرتے اور ان پر کڑی نگاہ رکھنا اپنا …
A Feedback from an online Client from USA – Homeopathic Treatment – Hussain Kaisrani
FROM HOPELESSNESS to HOPE Food intake has increased. I slept in the afternoon today which is unusual. Negative thoughts have reduced. I don’t know if it is suppressed or not like before. Smoking is less. Concentration is better I can focus on my assignments. Regrets are still there but I not bringing them up. I don’t think I’m hopeless anymore. At least I am trying my level best to cure this. Hi sir, sorry about the delayed reply. I’m very well the medicine worked really well. (Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant – Bahria Town Lahore Pakistan. Phone 03002000210) …
نیند کی ہومیوپیتھک دوا اور علاج – حسین قیصرانی
چند مخصوص تکالیف کے علاوہ جو سوال سب سے زیادہ پوچھا جاتا ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ نیند کی ہومیوپیتھک دوا تجویز کر دیں۔ میرا جواب ہمیشہ یہی ہوتا ہے کہ ہومیوپیتھی میں مرض کا نہیں مریض کا علاج کیا جاتا ہے۔ ہر مریض کے نیند اُچاٹ ہونے کے اسباب اپنے ہوتے ہیں۔ اگر ہم وجہ کو کماحقہُ سمجھ سکیں تو ہی اِس مسئلہ کو حل کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ It is more important to know what sort of person has a disease than to know what sort of disease a person has. اصل مسئلہ کو سمجھنے میں بعض اوقات …
A Followup / Feedback from an ONLINE Client with Skin Allergy, Fungus, Fear and Phobia of closed places – Remarkable Improvement by the Grace of Allah!
May you be healthy ever! 1. Previously i had neck muscles strain with stiffness and pain …. issue cured 2. Eyes had been swelled in the morning …. this cured too 3. Backache sometimes 4. Some times I have itching on left foot although allergy is cured (recent pic attached) 5. Fungal nail (pic attached) 6. Sometimes there is a severe fit of furry for some time. 7. Feels suffocating soon in closed and congested places but feeling better than previous week Thanks & regards Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant – Lahore Pakistan. Phone 03002000210 …
Tongue Biting, Toothache, bad breath, Stomach disorder Constipation – Cured by Homeopathy
How Homeopathy Helped Mr. MT Overcome Persistent Symptoms: A Success Story with Kali Carb 200 Introduction Mr. MT, a 60-year-old professional from Lahore, had been struggling with various health concerns for years, despite taking multiple homeopathic and allopathic medicines. Although his doctors were managing some of his symptoms, he was deeply disturbed by several peculiar issues that were not being adequately addressed. These included tongue jerking, severe tongue biting during meals, toothache while chewing, stomach burning after eating, and general feelings of weakness and tiredness. In this article, we’ll share Mr. MT’s journey to relief, how homeopathic treatment with Kali …
رات کو گھر سے باہر رہنے کا ڈر، خوف اور فوبیا ۔ ہومیوپیتھک علاج ۔ حسین قیصرانی
الحمدُ للہ! آج صبح ایک کلائنٹ کا پیغام موصول ہوا کہ وہ بہت خوش ہیں کیونکہ وہ بہت عرصے (کئی سالوں) بعد اپنے گھر کے علاوہ کسی رشتہ دار کے ہاں رات گزار سکی ہیں اور اُن کو کوئی ٹینشن اور پریشانی نہیں ہوئی۔ اور یہ کہ مَیں رات سے آپ کے لئے دعائیں کر رہی ہوں کیونکہ آپ کے علاج سے ہی یہ ممکن ہو سکا ہے۔ ہم میں سے اکثر کے لئے یہ بات شائد زیادہ حیرت انگیز نہ ہو لیکن ذرا تصور میں لایئے کسی جوان بچی / بیٹی کو کہ جو دن کی روشنی کے علاوہ …
My Health Issues and Feedback of 20 Day’s Homeopathic Treatment by Hussain Kaisrani (Miss A A Khan)
I had my first ever PANIC ATTACK in 2007 in the plane and then this cycle started (Please CLICK HERE for full case details) . During last 10 years, my Normal Life has kind of ended completely. I did not like indulging in social activities like meeting people and attending any function, celebrations and weddings etc. The smell of food used to panic me. I thought that I will stop breathing (you can say feeling of choking) or I will vomit. The doctors suggested that my anxiety is due to PHOBIA. Initially, I was afraid of night, darkness and traveling …
A Solved Case of Emotional Trauma, Severe Depression and Acute Stress Reaction – Hussain Kaisrani, Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant
Mrs. AB, a working professional from Karachi, Pakistan, reached out for assistance through WhatsApp due to a sudden and overwhelming emotional crisis. Her emotional distress had escalated rapidly over the past few days, severely affecting her daily life. The situation was urgent, as the longer the emotional turmoil persisted, the more detrimental it could be to her mental and physical well-being. Recognising the seriousness of her case, I took immediate action to provide her with the necessary support and homeopathic treatment to halt the progression of her emotional distress. Initial Assessment and Emotional Symptoms Upon first contact, Mrs. AB struggled …
Review and Feedback of First Month’s Homeopathic Treatment by Hussain Kaisrani (Miss AA KHAN)
When I decided to start my homeopathic treatment, Sir Hussain Kaisrani discussed all the issues in detail on phone. My major issue was loss of appetite or inability to feel any need of eating. Right after two days of starting medicine, my appetite improved markedly and one morning I surprised myself by having breakfast at 5 AM because I felt so hungry (I never thought to eat at this time, even if I was hungry). Now a days my appetite is not very good but I can keep on eating after short intervals. My second major issue was waking up …
My experience of Online Homeopathic Treatment by Hussain Kaisrani – A Review (Raina Zia)
Homeopathic was never something new or odd for me. I saw many successful best Homeopathic Doctors here in Pakistan. Homeopathic Doctor Hussain Qaisrani sb put his hard work and his passion in his work. He bring homeopathy to another level. I remember for my kids I called so many times to discuss minor symptoms, but he always said its never minor for me. My son was suffering from throat infection. It become so severe at times that it start bleeding. Doctors advised me not to give him any cold drinks, Ice creams, catchup, Mayonnaise and any bakery product. This was almost …