Challenges and Requirements in Homeopathy Treatment | Hussain Kaisrani
Homeopathy Treatment Requirements and Challenges Faced by Homeopathic Doctors By Dr. Hussain Kaisrani (Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Consultant – Lahore, Pakistan) Introduction Homeopathy is a holistic and effective healing system, but achieving positive outcomes requires a skilled doctor and an educated, cooperative patient. Dr. Hussain Kaisrani highlights the intricate challenges and the significant prerequisites for successful homeopathic treatment in this insightful article. Core Challenges in Homeopathy Treatment 1. Mutual Understanding Between Doctor and Patient Doctor’s Expertise: A homeopath must possess deep knowledge and expertise in their field. Patient’s Cooperation: Patients should be educated about their role in the healing process. If …
How Homeopathy Treatment Works: Hussain Kaisrani’s Insights on Healing with Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathy Treatment: How Homeopathic Medicines Work – A Real-Life Example By Dr. Hussain Kaisrani Summary Explore the power of homeopathy and how it addresses not just symptoms, but the root causes of health issues. In this article, Dr. Hussain Kaisrani shares a real-life example of how homeopathy helped a patient with an unexpected ear issue. Homeopathy’s holistic approach heals both the body and mind, offering comprehensive well-being. What is Homeopathy? Homeopathy is a holistic system of medicine that focuses on treating the whole person—not just the symptoms of a condition. Unlike conventional medicine, which typically targets symptoms, homeopathy aims to …
The Importance of Temperament in Homeopathic Remedy Selection | Hussain Kaisrani
The Role of Temperament in Homeopathic Treatment By Hussain Kaisrani, Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant A Humorous Story: Temperament at the Breakfast Table An intriguing example of how different temperaments influence behavior can be found in the following story: A man, having completed his advanced studies in philosophy, returned home after a long time. At breakfast, his wife asked him: “You’ve studied philosophy for years, spent a fortune, and been away for so long. How has it benefited us?” The husband, pointing to the egg on the table, replied: “Through philosophy, I can prove that this egg is actually two.” Without …
The True Meaning of Treatment: More Than Just Medicine | Hussain Kaisrani
The Real Essence of Treatment: It’s More Than Just Medicine Many of us are unaware of what true treatment involves or what should be the desired outcome of a treatment. How do we assess if treatment has been successful or not? Almost all patients believe that treatment is simply about taking medications. They consult doctors for a few health issues, whether they are seeing an allopathic doctor, a homeopath, or an herbalist. Based on test reports or some symptoms, medicines are prescribed. If medical reports improve (even if the person is still emotionally disturbed) or some discomfort reduces, patients continue …
What is Homeopathy and How Does it Work? | Hussain Kaisran
Understanding Homeopathy: A Holistic Approach to Healing Homeopathy is a unique form of alternative medicine that treats the body as a whole, stimulating its own healing mechanisms. Whether used for acute or chronic illnesses, homeopathy encourages the body to heal itself naturally, without harsh chemicals or side effects. The underlying principle of homeopathy is simple yet profound: substances that cause symptoms in large doses can, in very small doses, trigger the body’s natural healing response. Homeopathic treatments use highly diluted natural substances derived from plants, animals, and minerals to promote balance and wellness. Millions of people worldwide, including those in …
Why Choose Dr. Hussain Kaisrani for Homeopathic Treatment?
Why Choose Hussain Kaisrani’s Online Homeopathic Treatment? Are you seeking natural, holistic, and effective solutions to your health issues, no matter where you are in the world? Dr. Hussain Kaisrani’s online homeopathic treatment offers a unique, personalised approach to healing that blends the science of classical homeopathy with the art of emotional well-being. Whether you’re struggling with chronic illness, mental health challenges, or emotional distress, Dr. Kaisrani has helped hundreds of patients worldwide restore balance and achieve long-term wellness. Dr. Hussain Kaisrani offers online consultations that provide access to holistic health care from the comfort of your home. His treatment …
Dr Ahsan Raza – Welcome to the team at Hussain Kaisrani Homeopathic Consultancy Lahore
ڈاکٹر احسن رضا کا نام اور کام کئی حوالوں سے جانا مانا جاتا ہے۔ ہمارا باہمی تعلق کم و بیش پچیس سال پر محیط ہے۔ اِس میں ہمیشہ چڑھاو ہی چڑھاو ہی آئے؛ الحمدللہ اُتار کبھی نہیں۔ ہومیوپیتھی میں وہ مجھ سے بہت سینئر ہیں اور ہم نے کئی محاذ سر کئے جو کہ ایک جیسے تھے مگر اپنے اپنے طریقہ اور وقت پر۔ کوئی دس سال قبل “اعلیٰ تعلیم” کے لئے لندن تشریف لائے تو وہ میرے جونیئر بنے۔ بعد ازاں ہم ایک سال رومیٹ رہے۔ ہم نے اکٹھے کئی ملکی اور غیرملکی سفر اکٹھے کئے کہ ٹورزم اُن …
About Homeopathy
Homeopathy is a therapeutic system of medicine which is based upon the principle of similars – like cures like – it means that a substance that can cause certain symptoms in a healthy person can cure similar symptoms in an unhealthy person. Homeopathy aims to aid and stimulate the body’s own defense and immune processes. Homeopathic medicines are derived from a variety of plants, animal materials and minerals. These medicines are prescribed to fit each individual’s needs, given in much smaller and less toxic doses than traditional medications, and are used for both prevention and treatment. Established 200 years ago …
مسائل اور اُن کا حل
بھوک، پیاس، پیٹ خرابی، معدے کے مسائل میگرین، سر درد، اعصابی درد قبض، بواسیر، فسچلا، فشرز شدید غصہ، غم، کڑھنے رونے کا مزاج بچوں کے مسائل، بدمزاجی، بار بار بیمار ہونا نزلہ، زکام، بخار، چھینکیں اور الرجی شیاٹیکا، کمر اور جوڑوں کے درد محبت میں ناکامی کا دکھ، دھوکا اور غم منفی سوچیں، وسوسے، وہم، الجھن، کنفوژن، کشمکش، بھولنے کی بیماری نیند کے مسائل، ڈراونے خواب، صبح تھکا ہارا اور آوازار اُٹھنا خدا نخواستہ اگر ایسے کسی مسئلہ نے آپ کو تنگ کر رکھا ہے اور عام دوائیوں سے حل نہیں نکل رہا تو آپ کو کسی ماہر اور تجربہ …
آپ مریض کے مزاج اور تکلیفوں کا بڑا ذکر کرتے ہیں مگر بیماریوں کے ناموں کا نہیں۔ ایسا کیوں؟ ۔۔۔ ایک سوال اور اُس کا جواب ۔۔۔ حسین قیصرانی
ہومیوپیتھی علاج کے اپنے تقاضے ہیں۔ اس میں صرف مرض، بیماری یا تکلیفوں کا علاج نہیں کیا جاتا بلکہ مریض کا علاج ہوتا ہے۔ کیس ٹیکنگ، مریض کے ہر پہلو کو مدِ نظر رکھ کر کی جاتی ہے۔ ہم مریض کی اُس صلاحیت (مدافعاتی نظام، امیون سسٹم، وِل پاور، وائٹل فورس) کو سمجھتے اور متوازن کرتے ہیں جو قدرت نے ہر انسان کے ساتھ اُس کے پیدائش کے ساتھ بھیجی ہے۔ ہومیوپیتھک دوائی بلکہ پوٹینسی کا کام مرض کو ٹھیک کرنا نہیں بلکہ امیون سسٹم یا وائٹل فورس کو پیغام دے کر متحرک کرنا ہے۔ اگر اُس سسٹم یعنی امیونیٹی …