Infertility Treatment with Homeopathy by Dr. Hussain Kaisrani
Summary: Learn about natural and effective homeopathic treatments for infertility. Dr. Hussain Kaisrani offers customized solutions to address hormonal imbalances and reproductive health challenges. Patient’s Letter Subject: Assistance for Infertility Treatment Dear Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, Assalam-u-Alaikum, My issue is infertility. It has been almost ten years since my marriage. Four years after my wedding, I had a son, but I haven’t been able to conceive again since then. Apparently, there seems to be no issue. The first time, a homeopathic doctor prescribed a course of medication for me and my husband after my menstrual cycle, which led to conception. Unfortunately, …
پولی کرسٹ ہومیوپیتھک دواوں کی لسٹ ۔ حسین قیصرانی
پولی کرسٹ ہومیوپیتھک دوائیں ایسی ہومیوپیتھک دوائیاں پولی کرسٹ میڈیسن کہلاتی ہیں جن کی خوب اچھی طرح پروونگ ہو چکی ہو اور جن کا جسم کے ہر حصے کے ساتھ سوچ، خواب خیال، نفسیات، جذبات، دل دماغ، نیند ، پسند نا پسند، محبت نفرت، غصہ احترام الغرض پورے انسان پر اثرات ہو سکتے ہیں۔ یہ کلینک میں بہت زیادہ اور بار بار استعمال ہونے والی یا کثیر الاستعمال ادویہ کہلاتی ہیں۔ 1. آرسینکم البم. 2. آرنیکا. 3. آئرس ورسی کولر. 4. آئیوڈیم. 5. اپیکاک. 6. ارٹیکا یورنس. 7. ارجنٹم نائٹریکم 8. اشوکا. 9. اکٹیاریسی موسا. 10. اکونائٹم 11. اگنیشیا امارہ. 13. …
High Potency in Homeopathy: Dr. Dorothy Shepherd’s Case Studies and Insights | Hussain Kaisrani
High Potency in Homeopathy: Insights by Dr. Dorothy Shepherd Dr. Dorothy Shepherd (1885–1952) Dr. Dorothy Shepherd, a renowned homeopath, shared transformative experiences in her journey with high-potency homeopathic remedies. Born into a family healed by homeopathy, her life story sheds light on the profound impact of high-potency remedies on acute and chronic conditions. Below is a comprehensive discussion inspired by her remarkable observations and cases. Dr. Dorothy Shepherd’s Journey into Homeopathy Childhood and Early Skepticism Born into a homeopathic household, Dr. Dorothy Shepherd’s mother had recovered from smallpox using homeopathic remedies after conventional treatments failed. Despite this, Dorothy was initially …
Challenges and Requirements in Homeopathy Treatment | Hussain Kaisrani
Homeopathy Treatment Requirements and Challenges Faced by Homeopathic Doctors By Dr. Hussain Kaisrani (Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Consultant – Lahore, Pakistan) Introduction Homeopathy is a holistic and effective healing system, but achieving positive outcomes requires a skilled doctor and an educated, cooperative patient. Dr. Hussain Kaisrani highlights the intricate challenges and the significant prerequisites for successful homeopathic treatment in this insightful article. Core Challenges in Homeopathy Treatment 1. Mutual Understanding Between Doctor and Patient Doctor’s Expertise: A homeopath must possess deep knowledge and expertise in their field. Patient’s Cooperation: Patients should be educated about their role in the healing process. If …
Homeopathic Treatment and the Journey of Healing: Overcoming Challenges | Hussain Kaisrani
Homeopathic Treatment and Healing Challenges By Dr. Hussain Kaisrani – Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant (DHMS, BHMS, BSc, MS Strategic Management – University of Wales, UK) Summary This article by Dr. Hussain Kaisrani explores the challenges in homeopathic healing and how small health disturbances during treatment reflect the body’s immune system actively restoring health. He contrasts homeopathic and allopathic healing approaches, emphasizing the natural body healing process and the importance of listening to one’s body for true recovery. Introduction: The Path to True Healing During my initial consultation with patients, I always advise them to eat simple, standard, yet pleasant foods. …
Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Constipation | Hussain Kaisrani
Homeopathic Treatment for Constipation: Key Requirements for Effective Healing A Letter and Its Response by Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Consultant Summary In this article, Dr. Hussain Kaisrani explores the essential elements of treating chronic constipation using homeopathy. He highlights the importance of a personalized approach and detailed case evaluation to achieve long-term relief. By addressing the root causes of the condition, homeopathy offers an effective solution that goes beyond temporary symptom management. Introduction A recent email inquiry asked for a homeopathic remedy for a patient suffering from chronic, persistent constipation. This is a common concern that I receive …
The Importance of Identifying the Cause in Homeopathic Treatment | Hussain Kaisrani
Homeopathic Treatment and Diagnosis: The Importance of Identifying the Cause By Dr. Hussain Kaisrani, Psychotherapist and Homeopathic Doctor Summary: Discover why identifying the cause is key to homeopathic treatment and diagnosis. Dr. Hussain Kaisrani explains how homeopathy focuses on the root cause for better, long-term healing. Find remedies for diabetes and more on his website. Introduction: The Role of Cause in Homeopathy A philosopher once asked another, “How did you come into this world?” The reply was simple: “I was born because of my parents.” “Where did your parents come from?” “They were born because of their parents.” And so …
The Importance of Temperament in Homeopathic Remedy Selection | Hussain Kaisrani
The Role of Temperament in Homeopathic Treatment By Hussain Kaisrani, Psychotherapist & Homeopathic Consultant A Humorous Story: Temperament at the Breakfast Table An intriguing example of how different temperaments influence behavior can be found in the following story: A man, having completed his advanced studies in philosophy, returned home after a long time. At breakfast, his wife asked him: “You’ve studied philosophy for years, spent a fortune, and been away for so long. How has it benefited us?” The husband, pointing to the egg on the table, replied: “Through philosophy, I can prove that this egg is actually two.” Without …
What is Homeopathy and How Does it Work? | Hussain Kaisran
Understanding Homeopathy: A Holistic Approach to Healing Homeopathy is a unique form of alternative medicine that treats the body as a whole, stimulating its own healing mechanisms. Whether used for acute or chronic illnesses, homeopathy encourages the body to heal itself naturally, without harsh chemicals or side effects. The underlying principle of homeopathy is simple yet profound: substances that cause symptoms in large doses can, in very small doses, trigger the body’s natural healing response. Homeopathic treatments use highly diluted natural substances derived from plants, animals, and minerals to promote balance and wellness. Millions of people worldwide, including those in …
Differentiating Health from Disease by Hussain Kaisrani
The physician’s task Symptoms are the human body’s way to express the disease which lies wrapped up in layers deep within the man. The physician’s task is to understand the symptoms and then understand the patient’s true core of the disease. If there are no symptoms that make a man say I feel means the body is free of disease. Let’s explore this with an example, While one sits on a seat or perhaps lies calmly on one’s bed, would one tend to notice one’s body parts if there is no change in one’s surroundings or some disturbance within that diverts one’s …